Hair Extensions
Bellami Pro Mircro-I-Tips, I-Tips, K-Tips, Tape-Ins, Volume Wefts are all available. A consultation and deposit are required.
I-Tips and Tape In's
- Volume only (50-75 grams) $375-$450+
- Full Head (100-150 grams) $675-$1,200+
- Full Coverage (175-200 grams) $1,075-$1,350+
- Max Coverage (200+grams) $1,275-$1575+
- Volume Wefts and K-Tips
- $500-$1500+
Hand Tied Wefts
- 50-75 grams $100+
- 100 grams $120+
- 150 grams $180+
- 200+ grams $240+
*Maintenance required every 4-6 weeks. Anything beyond 6 weeks will be charged installation pricing.*